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The Rehabilitation Centre for Children offers many different multidisciplinary clinics to provide specialized services to our children and youth. Our on-site clinic appointments are in Clinic Crossing at SSCY Centre (except for Assistive Technology Clinic, which is in Innovation Station). Learn more about each of our clinics below.

A multidisciplinary clinic is a clinic appointment where you see health care professionals from different areas at the same time. For example, seeing a physician, nurse, dietician, and occupational therapist during the same visit. We also have a clinical nurse specialist who helps coordinate services for children and youth with complex care needs.

Our social worker provides transitions information starting at age 15 to guide the care and health of youth through adolescence into the adult health care system. Youth will receive one visit a year until they are 18 (or 21 if they are still in school) during a regularly scheduled clinic appointment.

Assistive Technology Clinic

Overview of program:

The Assistive Technology Clinic (ATC) assesses children and youth for seating and mobility needs. This can include equipment for activities of daily living and recreation items. Children and youth also have an orthopedic assessment by an orthopedic surgeon.

Usually younger children are seen every 6 to 8 months, and older children are seen yearly. We have a very long wait list and new referrals are booked within 3 months of receiving the referral. If the referral is for an older child, and seating and mobility are urgently needed, then the referral would be fast tracked.

What to expect during your visit:

A letter will be mailed to you with your child’s appointment time, because our appointments can be coordinated with other clinics at SSCY Centre. ATC is held in Innovation Station on the second floor of SSCY Centre, so that families can have their equipment looked at close to our shops.

One of our occupational therapists or physiotherapists and a clinical technologist will review your child’s equipment, to make sure everything fits and is working properly. Our orthopedic surgeon will do an orthopedic examination that checks your child’s bones and joints. If your child needs any bracing, it will be prescribed during your appointment.

Please bring any equipment that you or your child’s treating therapist thinks needs to be assessed because your child has grown. If your child does not have any equipment yet, or you are not sure what they need, you can contact your child’s treating therapist to ask what type of equipment your child needs. At your appointment you can brainstorm with our therapists to get ideas about what equipment your child could use.

Since every child and youth has different equipment and orthopedic needs, we are unable to know in advance how long appointments will be. Our appointments can be much longer than for other clinics.

Meet your team:

Our occupational therapist or physiotherapist and our clinical technologist will review your child’s equipment, to make sure everything fits and is working properly. Our orthopedic surgeon will do an orthopedic examination that checks your child’s bones and joints. If your child needs any bracing, it will be prescribed during your appointment.

How to access the program:

Our program is available for children and youth from birth to 18 (or 21 if they are still in school) who live in Manitoba and parts of Nunavut. A referral is required by a pediatrician, Child Development Clinic, general practitioner or a nurse practitioner. A referral may be faxed to (204) 474-2387.

We have a very long wait list and new referrals are booked within 3 months of receiving the referral. If the referral is for an older child, and seating and mobility are urgently needed, then the referral would be fast tracked. You can call our Assistive Technology Clinic assistant at (204) 258-6661 for more information.

Find and contact us:

ATC is held every Tuesday afternoon, depending on the physician’s schedule. Our clinic is on the second floor of SSCY Centre, in Innovation Station. You can call our Assistive Technology Clinic assistant at (204) 258-6661 for more information.

Program funder:

This program is funded by Manitoba Health.

Child Development Clinic

Overview of program:

The Child Development Clinic (CDC) is a multidisciplinary clinic that provides expertise in understanding preschool development and behaviour for children aged 0-5 years. Referrals are accepted from primary care providers for children with developmental or behavioural concerns.

What to expect during your visit:

The initial appointment is 60-90 minutes long. Follow-up parent meetings may occur, and they are usually 30-60 minutes long. The type of appointment you will have is decided at intake based on your referral. Questionnaires are filled out by families/day cares/preschools to help us learn more about your needs before your appointment. It is helpful if you write down any questions you have for the physician.

Meet your team: 

The CDC team includes:

  • Developmental Pediatrician
  • Social Worker
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Early Child Development Facilitator

How to access the program:

This program is for preschool aged children living in Manitoba, Nunavut and Northwestern Ontario. Referrals are accepted from pediatricians, nurse practitioners and family physicians. You will be asked to fill out information forms to help us with assessment planning. You will be contacted when an appointment is available. The waiting time varies.

Contact us:

Appointments are available Monday to Friday in Clinic Crossing at SSCY Centre. There are outreach clinics throughout the year in Brandon, Morden, Dauphin and The Pas.

Call (204) 258-6628 for more information.

Program funder:

This program is funded by Manitoba Health.

Extra information:

Autism Spectrum Disorder:



Feeding Clinic

Overview of program:

Check in at front reception at SSCY Centre, and then go to Clinic Crossing.  Your child will have their weight and height measured.  You will then be taken into one of our clinic rooms.

Depending on your child’s needs, they will be assessed by one or more of our feeding physicians, occupational therapists and dietitians.  This assessment may include a review of current nutrition and food choices, feeding issues, seating and eating environment.  There may also be a formal feeding assessment if your child is also eating by mouth.  There are some food options available in the clinic.  You may also choose to bring in some of your food from home for the assessment.  If your child is on formula please bring some to the appointment, as well as the typical bottle or cup that they drink from.

The first assessment visit is usually one hour long.  Follow-up visits are usually 30 minutes long.

What to expect during your visit:

Check in at front reception at SSCY Centre, and then go to Clinic Crossing.  Your child will have their weight and height measured.  You will then be taken into one of our clinic rooms.  Our team will ask you about your child’s feeding issues, and watch your child eat.  You can ask any questions you have during the visit.  Together we will make a feeding plan for your child.

We have food for your child to eat, but you may bring your own food if you want.  You should bring your own food if your child has any food allergies or specific dietary requirements.
The first assessment visit is usually one hour long.  Follow-up visits are usually 30 minutes long.

Meet your team:

Our feeding team has feeding specialist physicians, an occupational therapist, dietitians, a nurse clinician, a social worker and a clinic coordinator.  Depending on your child’s feeding concern, you may have an appointment with one or more members of the team.  Our team members work together to make sure your child gets what they need.

Our physician will ask about the history of your child’s feeding issues.  Our occupational therapist or physician will do a feeding assessment.  Our dietitians make sure our plan will meet your child’s nutritional needs.  They will also talk to you about food choices and nutrition.  Our nurse clinician is involved with children and youth who are enterally fed and manages tube issues and supplies.  Our social worker is available to help with a variety issues that families may have, and can provide resources.  They also provide transition assessments for our youth who are tube fed when they are getting ready to transition to adult services.  Our clinic coordinator books and confirms appointments, checks you in when you come for an appointment, makes sure your information is correct, and measures your child’s height and weight.

How to access the program:

Feeding Clinic is for children and youth living in Manitoba, Nunavut and Northern Ontario.  We see children with a variety of feeding problems, including:

  • Enteral feeding- we see children and youth who require gastrostomy, jejunal or nasogastric feeding
  • Oral feeding- we see children where there is a concern about feeding safety due to signs/symptoms of aspiration, children with Neurodevelopmental disorders who require adaptations to their oral feeding plan for reasons of safety or efficiency, and  children with Autism with significantly restricted eating with concerns of effect on growth and/or nutrition.

Referrals are to be completed by a physician or nurse practitioner on our RCC clinic intake form. Fax: (204) 474-2387.

Contact us:

Clinics run Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-4:00 in Clinic Crossing at SSCY Centre.

Complex Care Clinic Coordinator: (204) 258-6564.

Fax: (204) 474-2387.

Program funder:

This program is funded by Manitoba Health, the WRHA and the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.

Extra information:

Complex Care Clinic

Overview of program:

Complex Care Clinic provides family-centered care for children and youth with complex medical needs.  Our clinic provides comprehensive care, which is complementary to your child’s primary care provider.  We provide care coordination and service navigation through our program.

The frequency of visits is generally every six months for a comprehensive review and assessment.

What to expect during your visit:

Check in at front reception at SSCY Centre, and then go to Clinic Crossing.  Your child will have their weight and height measured.  You will then be taken into one of our clinic rooms.  Our team will assess your child, answer any questions and make a plan with you.  Appointments are 60 minutes long.

Meet your team:

Our team includes a complex care pediatrician and nurse clinician.  Our clinic runs simultaneously to our feeding clinic so you may also see a dietitian and occupational therapist during your assessment.  We will complete a comprehensive review of your child’s medical conditions and recent medical assessments.  We will also complete a comprehensive examination.  We review follow-ups and up coming appointments and help with coordination and booking as needed.  After clinic a comprehensive care plan will be completed and sent to you for review.  Once complete we will also share with all the applicable health care team members.

How to access the program:

Our program is for children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and functional limitations in eating and/or breathing who are not followed in another multidisciplinary clinic.  In addition ,children must meet criteria in areas of family needs, chronic conditions, healthcare usage and functional limitations.

Referrals are made by a primary health care provider or hospital on our RCC Clinic Intake Form.  We will review the referral in detail and complete our Complex Care Intake Form to determine if your child meets our eligibility criteria.  If your child is accepted into the program a comprehensive medical history review and initial comprehensive care plan will be developed.  An initial appointment will be booked.  Waiting times are variable and depend on the number of children enrolled in the program as there are capacity limitations.

Contact us:

Clinics run Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-4:00 in Clinic Crossing at SSCY Centre.

Complex Care Clinic Coordinator: (204) 258-6564.

Fax: (204) 474-2387.

Program funder:

This program is funded by Manitoba Health, the WRHA and the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.

Manitoba FASD Centre

Overview of program:

The Manitoba Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Centre is a multidisciplinary assessment, education, training and research service of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Child Health Program. The Manitoba FASD Centre provides FASD assessment, diagnosis and short-term follow-up for children and youth aged 0-18.  The FASD Centre follows the FASD Canadian National Guidelines for Diagnosis.

What to expect during your visit:

For an assessment for FASD, your child may have to come for one or more visits to the FASD Centre. Your child will be seen by our team and assessed in different ways, sometimes by several people.  Your child may have already been assessed by a psychologist, a speech language pathologist, or an occupational therapist at school or through a community agency.  This information is very important as part of your child’s assessment.

Our team works together to provide a caring and detailed assessment, including recommendations, for your child. After the assessment, the team will discuss all of the information you provided and your child’s test results to decide if an FASD diagnosis can be made. A report (that includes a summary of the assessment results, diagnosis, and a description of strengths, challenges and recommendations) is provided to your child’s legal guardian and referral source.

Meet your team:

The Manitoba FASD Centre assessment team includes:

  • Developmental Pediatrician: will review previous assessments of your child and provide a developmental assessment.
  • Geneticist: will do a physical exam of your child. A picture may be taken of your child’s face for a computer measurement.  The geneticist will also ask you questions about your child’s and family’s health.
  • Social Worker: will provide support and education to you before, during and after appointments. The social worker may collect information before an assessment.
  • Psychologist: will assess different areas of your child’s functioning (such as intelligence, academic achievement, reasoning, concentration, memory, behaviour and life skills). The assessment will include activities with your child, and interviews and questionnaires with your family.
  • Speech Language Pathologist: will assess your child’s speech, language and hearing skills with various activities and tests.
  • Occupational Therapist: will assess your child’s coordination, motor skills and play skills. The therapist will be interested to know how your child reacts to the environment and manages self-care activities.
  • If your child is diagnosed, our Centre’s FASD Educator may talk to you about the reports and available resources in your community.

How to access the program:

Anyone can make a referral to the FASD Centre.  A referral form can be downloaded from our website (  Once a referral is sent to the FASD Centre, we will contact the child or youth’s legal guardian to discuss the next steps.  The FASD Centre’s waitlist times vary with the age of the child or youth, but can be as long as 18 months.

Contact us:

There are many diagnostic clinics in Manitoba, all year round, in many locations.  Days of assessments are different based on where the child or youth lives.  In Winnipeg, the Manitoba FASD Centre is on the first floor of SSCY Centre.

If you are interested in referring a child or youth, you can contact the FASD Centre at (204) 258-6600 or visit our website ( where there is a lot of information about the services that the FASD Centre provides.

Program funder:

The FASD Centre is funded by Family Services.

Extra information:

Manitoba FASD Centre website:

The Manitoba FASD Coalition is a province-wide collaborative network of individuals and organizations from across all sectors committed to supporting prevention, education, research, and intervention activities in the area of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. We share ideas, information, resources, challenges and successes. For more information on FASD Resources and events in Manitoba please visit the Manitoba FASD Coalition website at

The Looking After Each Other Project, a diverse group of Manitobans committed to promoting dignity and reducing stigma in relation to FASD, is developing a series of mini documentaries to showcase how communities, services, systems, and other initiatives can creatively support the success of those impacted by FASD and the women who have used alcohol during pregnancy. Each person has their own story involving challenges and successes. This group is focusing this series on examples of how taking time to understand an individual’s story can truly make a positive difference. For more information on the Looking After Each Other Project and to watch the documentaries please visit

Neonatal Follow-Up

Overview of program:

The Neonatal Follow-up Program provides care to high risk babies and children.  It monitors the development and growth of the babies enrolled from the NICU and Intermediate Care Nurseries at HSC.  If neurodevelopmental problems are noted at assessment, referrals are made so the child can receive needed therapies and treatment.  The program also gives developmental and health outcome information to Neonatology.

Assessments occur when your baby is 6-8 months of age (corrected age if premature) and again at 18-24 months.  Additional appointments may be arranged between the first two visits and before school entry if needed.

What to expect during your visit:

You can have appointments for this program at either SSCY Centre or the ACF Pediatrics Clinic at St. Boniface Hospital.  If you have an appointment at SSCY Centre, check in at our front reception.  Appointments are usually 60-90 minutes long.  Appointments for children participating in research studies may be longer.

During your appointment, your child will be weighed and measured, and a health interview will be done.  Your child will do developmental play testing, which looks at problem solving skills, fine and gross motor skills and language skills.  They will also have a physical exam.  There will be time to talk about the tests and future assessments and recommendations.

You should bring any items your child might need during the assessment (e.g. diapers, feeding materials, extra clothing).  Information pamphlets are provided to the families of babies meeting the enrollment criteria during their nursery stay.  Other information is provided to families at the time of their clinic visit.

Meet your team:

You will meet a doctor, nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and speech language pathologist.

The doctor will perform the developmental/play assessment, physical examination, conduct the health interview, and will be available to answer questions related to the assessment.  The nurse may also do the play testing and health interview, will weigh and measure your child, and will obtain necessary consents.  The therapists will conduct assessments in their areas of expertise and answer any related questions.

How to access the program:

This program is for babies who meet criteria established by Neonatology at the time of their birth or in the immediate neonatal period.  Children born at or cared for in the NICUs at Health Sciences Centre or St. Boniface are eligible for assessment in the program.  Patients may be referred by physicians who think a developmental follow up would be helpful.  Children can also be referred through other follow-up programs.  Children who are participating in research studies who require developmental follow up as part of the study protocol are also seen.  Children are eligible for assessment in the program until school entry.

Appointments are scheduled through the program secretaries and coordinated, where possible, for families living outside of Winnipeg.  You may contact the program secretaries or nurse clinicians at SSCY or St. Boniface for more information.

Contact us:

Clinics for St. Boniface patients are held at St. Boniface ACF Pediatrics Clinic on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Clinics for Health Sciences Centre patients are held at SSCY Centre on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  At SSCY Centre we are in Clinic Crossing on the main floor.

You may contact the program secretaries or nurse clinicians at SSCY or St. Boniface for more information:

For babies born at St. Boniface:  Program Secretary (204) 235-3078, Nurse Clinician (204) 235-3486.

Information e-mail addresses at St. Boniface: or

For babies born at Health Sciences Centre: Program Secretary (204) 258-6632, Nurse Clinician (204) 258-6616.

Information e-mail addresses at HSC: or

Program funder:

The program is funded through Child Health and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

Orthopedic Clinic

Overview of program:

Orthopedic Clinic provides family-centered care for children and youth with Cerebral Palsy and other Neurodevelopmental conditions affecting muscle function and tone.  Our goal is to improve the quality of life for the children, youth and families that we see.  Frequency of visits is variable.

What to expect during your visit:

Check in at front reception at SSCY Centre, and then go to Clinic Crossing.  Your child will have their weight and height measured by our clinic coordinator.  You will then be taken into one of our clinic rooms.  You will be seen by one of our Orthopedic surgeon’s who will ask you about your child’s medical history and examine their joints and muscles.  Your child may also need an x-ray which will be performed before or after your assessment with the Orthopedic Surgeon. Appointment times are generally 30 minutes.

Meet your team:

You will meet one of our Orthopedic Surgeon’s who will review your child’s health history.  We will also review function and movement of your child’s muscles and joints.  We will perform a physical exam which will assess muscle and joint function, strength, tone and range of motion.

If your child requires an x-ray, our x-ray technician will bring you to and from the x-ray department.  The results of your child’s x-ray will be reviewed with you at your clinic visit.

In clinic we will determine if, and how often your child needs surveillance of their hips which will include x-ray monitoring.  We will also evaluate the function of your child’s muscles and make recommendations for treatment which can include stretches & exercises, equipment such as splints or braces, botox therapy and surgery.   If botox therapy or surgery are required, they are booked in the OR at Children’s Hospital and we will review that process with you.

How to access the program:

Referrals are accepted from a primary health care provider submitted on our RCC Clinic Intake Form. Our fax number is (204) 474-2387.

Contact us:

Our clinics days vary and run from 9:00-4:00 in Clinic Crossing at SSCY Centre.

Clinic coordinator: (204) 258-6565

Program funder:

The program is funded through Child Health and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

Spina Bifida Clinic

Overview of program:

Spina Bifida Clinic is a multi-disciplinary program that provides family-centered care for children and youth with Spina Bifida or Spinal Cord Injuries.  Our goal is to improve the quality of life for the children, youth and families that we see.  Frequency of visits is typically every six months.

What to expect during your visit:

Check in at front reception at SSCY Centre, and then go to Clinic Crossing.  Your child will have their weight and height measured by our clinic coordinator.  You will then be taken into one of our clinic rooms.  There will be a number of care providers that you see during your visit including a Pediatrician, Urologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, and Social Worker.

Prior to your visit you may be required to have tests on your child’s bladder and kidney’s.  This occurs at Children’s Hospital.  You will be provided with all the information you require to have this done if your Urologist has determined you need these investigations prior to your clinic visit.

As you are seeing multiple care providers assessments are typically 2-3 hours long.  We encourage families to bring snacks and activities for their children for these clinic appointments.

Meet your team:

  • Pediatrician: will review health history and perform physical exam relevant to Spina Bifida or Spinal Cord Injuries. Will also address general health concerns you may have.
  • Urologist: will review your investigations if you had this done prior to your assessment. Will review and assess your bladder and kidney function.  Will make recommendations on treatment which can include medications, bladder catheterizations, and surgery.
  • Orthopedic Surgeon: will review and assess how your bones and joints are working and moving.
  • Occupational Therapist: to assess your equipment needs and modify/order equipment as needed
  • Physiotherapist: to assess your muscles and review exercises and stretches.
  • Social Work: to review home, school and activities and assist in community resources and supports.

How to access the program:

We accept referrals from a primary health provider.  Referrals should be sent into RCC on the RCC clinic intake form.  Our fax number is (204) 474-2387.

Contact us:

Our clinics are on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:00-4:00 in Clinic Crossing at SSCY Centre.

Clinic coordinator: (204) 258-6565

Program funder:

This program is funded by Manitoba Health, the WRHA and the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.